Parallel processing for faster batching

Batch generation pipelines and involve reading images from disk on the fly and applying potentially expensive data augmentation operations can incur significant overhead. Running such a pipeline in a single threaded/process along side the training code can result in the GPU spending a significant amount of time waiting for the CPU to provide it with data.

BatchUp provides worker pools that run the batch generation pipeline in background processes or threads, ameliorating this problem.

Using threads

Let’s build on the Data from array-like objects (data accessors) example in which we load the Kaggle Dogs vs Cats training set. Let’s assume that train_X references an instance of the NonUniformImageFileAccessor class defined in that example, train_y contains ground truth classes and that we have the augmentation function augment_batch:

from batchup import data_source, work_pool

# Build a pool of 4 worker threads:
th_pool = work_pool.WorkerThreadPool(processes=4)

# Build our data source and apply augmentation function
ds = data_source.ArrayDataSource([train_X, train_y])

ds =

# Construct a parallel data source that prepares mini-batches in the
# background. It wraps the existing data source `ds` and will try
# to keep a buffer of 32 mini-batches full to eliminate latency:
par_ds = th_pool.parallel_data_source(ds, batch_buffer_size=32)

# As soon as we create an iterator, it will start filling its
# buffer; lets create an iterator right now to get it going in
# the background:
par_iter = par_ds.batch_iterator(
    batch_size=64, shuffle=np.random.RandomState(12345))

# Do some other initialisation stuff that may take a while...

# By now, with any luck, some batches will be ready to retrieve

for (batch_X, batch_y) in par_iter:
    # Process batches here...

Using processes

In some cases the data source that you wish to parallelize may not be thread safe or may perform poorly in a multi-threaded environment due to Pythons’ Global Interpreter Lock (GIL). In such cases you can use process based pools that use separate processes rather than threads.

There are two issues that you should be aware of when using processes:

  • Process-based pools incur a higher overhead due to having to copy batches between processes. We use MemmappingPool from joblib to attempt to ameliorate this, but that mechanism only works with NumPy arrays, so some pickling will still be performed
  • Any classes or functions used – that includes custom accessor classes and data augmentation functions – must be declared in the top level of a module so that pickle can find them for the purpose of passing references to them to the worker processes

That aside, we need only replace the reference to WorkerThreadPool with WorkerProcessPool:

# Build a pool of 4 worker processes:
proc_pool = work_pool.WorkerProcessPool(processes=4)

# Construct a data source that prepares mini-batches in the
# background. It wraps the existing data source `ds` and will try
# to keep a buffer of 32 mini-batches full to eliminate latency:
par_ds = proc_pool.parallel_data_source(ds, batch_buffer_size=32)

# ... use `par_ds` the same way as before ...